+1-855-635-3036 | Reset AOL Gold Password

An Email requires the username and password for sign-in purposes. There are times when a user can forget the password despite using it for some time. If you have forgotten your password, you will not be able to Sign in to your account and carry out the basic functions related to your Mail. You can look for ways to reset the password and although there can be basic Stages, you need thorough guidelines sometimes.
  1. Launch your browser and go to the official Sign-in Page of AOL.
  2. Then enter your username associated with the AOL account.
  3. Click on Sign In which is given in a blue rectangular box on the right side of your screen.
  4. After you click on it, notice the I forgot my password link stated just below the Sign In option.
  5. Enter your username again and click on Next.
  6. Once you click on Next, you will be then taken to a new screen where you have to enter your registered phone number.
  7. Enter your phone number and then choose the method through which you want to receive the verification code. There are two ways through which you can receive the verification, through a phone call or a text message.
  8. Enter the verification code you got through the text message or call.
  9. Click on Verify and you will be taken to a new screen.
  10. In this new screen, you can create a password of your own choice.
  11. Once you create a password, just click on save.
There are various other methods through which you can recover your password. Some of these methods involve inserting the alternate email and asking the server to send a message on it. You can also recover your password if you use the auto fill function on your browser; in this case you just need to visit the section where all of your passwords are saved. This is how you can reset your password; however, there are times when your email can be hacked by an attacker. In such cases, you can get concerned about your personal details like your Credit Card number. If you ever find yourself in such trouble, feel free to call us and get immediate assistance.
